Types of NYPD Uniforms

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If you are interested in joining the police force, you may be interested in learning what kind of uniform you will be wearing every day. As one of the largest and most complex police academies in the United States and the world, the NYPD has many different units and uniforms that they put on. A job’s uniform represents the colors and responsibilities that everyone in that department will be wearing when the time comes to perform their duties. In the following article, our NYPD disqualification appeal lawyer will discuss some of the different types of NYPD uniforms that you could expect to wear if you decide to form part of the department. 

NYPD Dress Uniforms 

The NYPD dress uniform is the uniform that members of the police department wear when they go on special occasions. These are generally considered the more “formal” kinds of uniforms because they are used in parades or high-profile funerals. As a formal NYPD uniform, the dress uniform is usually adorned with decorations and ornaments. The higher ranks of the NYPD also usually wear formal hats, white gloves, and other kinds of accessories. The full-dress uniform is usually reserved for ceremonies, funerals, and other special occasions. 

NYPD Highway Patrol Uniform 

The highway patrol is a part of the transportation bureau of the New York Police Department and is in charge of patrolling the safety of the highways and roads within New York City. This highway patrol also is in charge of investigating accidents and making sure that everyone is safe after the incident by conducting trials like field sobriety tests. The highway patrol regulations are very similar to the dress uniform, but the NYPD highway patrol uniform is more relaxed and designed for comfort and mobility. Being a Class B uniform, this one is washable at home and ready to be used during regular street duty. 

NYPD Recruit Uniform 

Our disqualification appeals lawyer would like to point out that the NYPD recruit uniform is the most basic uniform that a police officer first receives. The NYPD recruit uniform is one of the most fundamental forms of the uniform and the ones that a recruit will have in their closet. We would like to point out that just because it is the first uniform you will receive does not mean that its upkeep is to be neglected. 

More About Disqualification Appeals

Aside from detailing more about the NYPD uniforms, we are here to provide a service for our customers in the form of disqualification appeals. When someone applies to be part of the New York Police Department, they may encounter an NYPD proposed disqualification, which means that they will be disqualified from service based on a problem with their medical history, psychological makeup, or perceived character issues. It is our goal to provide our customers with legal services that help them achieve their dream career. Our full suite of services includes: 

Contact us today to learn more about our services and appealing a psychological disqualification or any other of our services. 

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