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What Are the NYPD Grooming Standards?

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NYPD Grooming Standards

Part of the job of being a police officer involves knowing what the grooming standards are for your job so that you do not look unprofessional or unkempt during your time as a police officer. As an experienced NYPD disqualification appeal lawyer, Robert B. Kronenberg is ready to make sure that you understand exactly what is expected of you should you decide to join the NYPD so that you can be as presentable as possible. In the following article, we will examine what you could expect from a beard and hairstyle standpoint. Continue reading below to learn more from our experienced police disqualifications attorney. 

What Is the NYPD Beard Policy? 

In previous years, members of the NYPD were not allowed to have any facial hair, so remaining clean-shaven was the only option that they could have. However, the NYPD has recently allowed police officers to have up to one-half inch of facial hair thanks to them allowing for religious requirements that some cops have had. Our character disqualification appeals lawyer would like to point out that requests for longer facial hair are examined on a case-by-case basis and that units that require the use of gas masks are still obligated to abide by the old facial hair policies. The NYPD will also accommodate NYPD grooming standards for police officers who need to wear turbans for religious reasons. 

Are Cops Allowed to Have Long Hair in the NYPD? 

One of the most pertinent NYPD grooming standards involves the length that an officer’s hair needs to be. Our disqualification appeal attorney would like to note that the NYPD has no official haircut, but the department does reserve the right to dictate what is and what is not an acceptable haircut. A good rule of thumb is to always make sure that your haircut is neat and orderly and to never allow your hair length to reach your shoulders or below your collar. There could be some exceptions based on religious beliefs, but for the most part, the NYPD would like to keep all of its employees looking neat and orderly. 

More About NYPD Disqualification Appeals 

If you or anyone you know is applying for a position in the NYPD, an NYPD proposed disqualification could result. This is a document that is served by the NYPD when candidates become disqualified from police work. Being disqualified from police work could be a huge disappointment and usually results from medical disqualification, psychological disqualification, or character disqualification. Our legal team is ready to assist you with our NYPD character disqualification, NYPD psychological disqualification appeals, and medical disqualification appeals resulting from an NYPD medical disqualification. Contact us to learn more about NYPD grooming standards, our other resources, or our collection of services.

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